So now we know all sweet things are not created equal, and it's preferrable to eat certain sweet things over others.
But you know what you should definitely not use?
Agave nectar! That's right! That's stuff they sell in the health food store and advertise as purest, most natural form of sugar ever.
Not so, according to this article, which I found via the amazing Local Foods in New Mexico. Apparently, it the article is to be believed, agave nectar is actually agave carbohydrates processed into its sugary components. Just like corn syrup. It's the high fructose corn syrup of agave. High Fructose Agave Syrup. AND it has an even higher percentage of fructose than high fructose corn syrup.
Ugh. This just goes to show how alienated we are from our food. Distributors can just make up stories about the products they sell us and we'll believe them because what do we know about where are food comes from?
I don't know what the solution is here. But the problem is worth pointing out. Again.
Also, don't buy agave nectar.
who would have thunk it? I will not be buying any more. I am trying to cut out sugar completely so it won't cramp my style. I occasionally like a small piece of really dark chocolate; sugar is the culprit of most of our ills, really bad for all of us.